Saturday, April 09, 2005

Science vs. Religion

Ohhhhh science how i love you, in everyway a person could possiblely love an idea. I almost love you as much as overthroughing the government, but i'm not sure thats possible. Since, overthroughing the government is like extacy, which i haven't tried(just making a reference to something). Science and religion have been in conflict with one another for a long time throughout history. I think most of this is because of the damn catholics. I say it once and i'll say it again, leave it to the fucking catholics to ruin and disgrace the absolute geniuses of this world. I'm so sincere, cracka, so sincere...mannnnnn cracka, i cut you up, I cut YOU UP AND STUFF YOU UNDER MY MATRESS LIKE DRUG MONEY CRACKA! Don't tred on me.

I hate the catholics for what they've done, although most of what they represent has positive morals, some of which i don't even believe in, I don't believe power should be placed in the hands of someone thinking they can talk to god and whom thinks completely illogical and irrational. Power over so many people too. All these believers around the world who think that the pope, who has recently died, is someone that can talk to god. What a fucking nut, and no i don't give a shit if the fool has died. He's completed much in his life, and he tried to repair what his predicessors had done. We all know nothing can change the past.

Science is appriceating god and all of it's work. What do people do when they look up to something or one that is superior to them? They study them, hoping to understand how they work and think. That's respect my friends; there's nothing more respectful than spending your life enjoying and studying someone's work. Scientists are culture creatives; they advance humanity. They show us new ways of looking at everything. Science is the study of the world around us. How in any way does that contradict the word of god? It's almost hard to believe that people who try to understand reality are looked down upon as heretics, impure, and having their mind set on the wrong things. Troubling questions. I think the main reason there's been so much conflict between religions, mostly christianity, and science is from it's mythology, not it's past. I mean it's past says things like so and so did this and caused this to happen during this time period. Science and the recvering of documents would prove them as true if it was true, which in most cases that's how it is. Christianity only has problems with science when it comes down to characters who've declared things that aren't physically possible, raising the water around them to cross. We know no one can do that. Why could someone do it back then? There's no plausible reasoning. When science disagrees with that it doesn't mean science disagrees with everything that the religion says. The ethics of most religions are brilliant. The morals and the values taught by most religions are very sincere, good hearted, and helpful for pursuing a good life. Someone who believes in science as a truth does not necessarily have bad ethics. I, for one, am not a religious person, anymore, and I think i have damn good ethics. It's the same thing as saying someone that's religious has good ethics, because we know that by all means that's not true. Around here, where i live, it seems that there're more people who claim a religion and are brutal assholes than there are people who don't believe in god and are assholes. I know a few people who are athiest, they believe there's no god at all, and they seem to be pretty good hearted people. They feel guilt, pain, and troubled for doing the things they do, just like any other person would, even a religious person.

I've recently converted to something new to me. Something i've never even thought about really; having no personal god. For a long time I've been questioning if Christianity is true. I've always been a believer in god, although for some time i've been agnostic.


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