Sunday, February 27, 2005

Ohioan Dreamscaping

I'm overall disappointed in much of what Ohioan Legislation has accomplished in the past four years for the better of everyone.

*Oh, it's not just the legislation that has been slacking, but the people as well. Many of the school systems have lost support from their own city; trying to pass levies and/or little taxes and failing miserably.

*Can you say unemployment? I sure as hell can, and like a broken record. Although, people everywhere in Ohio had been for quite some time, the state doesn't seem to be worried about much besides popular opinion of the ignorant and, well, lining their gargantuan pockets with green. But isn't that the color that really matters?

What are we supposed to do if we're the only people to look at the important issues with resolution and contemplation?
spread the knowledge, and take control of what is RIGHTFULLY OURS (the country). Media is pulling the wool over our eyes and distracting us from the important things, like the responsibility we have for our city, state, and country. If there's something wrong, we try to solve it democratically, if our representatives fail to solve the problems. Then what? I can only think of one thing. Making them change, and showing them who is really in charge of the country. The hippies showed the country who was really in charge once. Revolting is a means by which resolution can occur, lets never rule that out.


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