Sunday, February 27, 2005

Celebrity Celebrating ignorance

Hey! You know who looks like they could be a good politian?
Nope, not Jerry Springer, and no, not Oprah, but I understand, politics and leadership is a lot like the Oscars in many ways. Sadly, the election of someone to run our state has been reduced to nothing more than his smile and whether they make any noticeable stumbles or funny looks on the way up to the podium. The presidential elections were disgustingly stupid this last year around. Some people are telling me what someone did 15-30 years ago is important enough to not vote for them. If I cared enough about that, I would do a background check on the guy via the internet. I thought the president's position was to run the country. Oh my bad, I guess whether he's religious or not is more important. I mean, when he prays every night, I'm sure that's good enough, you know, like that will solve the huge debt, unemployment, racism, and hostile countries issues we're facing, NO PROBLEM. What ever happened to the days when presidential canidates talked about what they were going to do in their term in detail. Lower Taxes? Sure...but how do you plan on going about that? Sure as hell aren't going to lower any taxes by deploying on the Middle East. That massive foot we sent to stomp our foes wasn't cheap you know.


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